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Mastering the Pace of Play: Top Golf Course Management Tips

Dave Vanslette
December 9, 2023
5 min read

In the world of golf, the pace of play is a critical factor that influences not only the enjoyment of the game but also the success of golf course management. A well-managed pace of play can greatly enhance the golfer experience, streamline operations, and boost revenue generation.

But how can golf course managers master the art of maintaining an optimal pace of play? In this blog post, we will explore the importance of pace of play and delve into strategies, technology, and best practices that can help golf courses optimize their management in this crucial aspect.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the importance of pace of play and its impact on customer experience is essential for golf courses.
  • Leveraging technology, providing clear guidelines, offering etiquette workshops, and encouraging peer accountability can help optimize pace of play.
  • Assessing course design to identify bottlenecks, tracking KPIs to measure success & soliciting golfer feedback are key strategies for continual improvement.

Understanding the Importance of Pace of Play

Pace of play holds immense importance in course management. A smooth and efficient pace of play not only creates a more enjoyable atmosphere for golfers but also positively affects operational efficiency and revenue generation. Courses that prioritize pace of play can expect increased customer loyalty, optimized resource allocation, and cost savings that can be invested in other areas, such as improving the pro shop.

Simply put, proficient control over the pace of play is an essential element of golf management strategy, promising substantial benefits for golf courses.

The Impact on Customer Experience

Pace of play significantly influences the customer experience, which lies at the core of the golf industry. Long waiting times between tee times can lead to frustration and impatience, which can negatively affect the overall experience. On the other hand, a well-managed pace of play allows golfers to maintain their rhythm and focus, leading to better performance and satisfaction.

Indeed, golf courses focusing on the pace of play tend to retain their most loyal customers, which results in heightened customer satisfaction and, in turn, increased revenue generation.

Operational Efficiency

Efficient pace of play management also directly contributes to the operational efficiency of a golf course. A faster pace of play reduces the duration of a round of golf, thus increasing the number of rounds that can be played in a day. This allows golf courses to optimize their staffing levels and allocate resources more effectively. Additionally, efficient pace of play can lead to cost savings in areas such as maintenance and eco-friendly practices, freeing up funds to invest in other areas, like employing more Golf Pros.

Ultimately, these improvements can enhance the overall golfing experience and attract new customers, further boosting revenue.

Revenue Generation

Golf courses generate revenue through various means, such as events, golf tournaments, and contests. Focusing on improving the pace of play can lead to a better golfing experience, which in turn can help retain the most loyal customers and increase overall revenue.

In addition, most golf courses, including many golf courses, can maximize their reach by:

  • Offering reciprocal memberships with nearby courses
  • Utilizing text messaging and automated email marketing to advertise restaurant and bar deals through an effective marketing channel
  • Leveraging third-party booking outlets to increase their online presence

Efficiently managing day-to-day operations, including pace of play, can help attract new customers and improve overall revenue.

Implementing Pace of Play Strategies

Effective management of the pace of play requires golf courses to put into action tried-and-true strategies that ensure a constant flow of play and accommodate diverse golfer preferences. Two key strategies in this regard are setting appropriate tee time intervals and offering alternative formats.

Through the adoption of these marketing strategies, golf courses can enhance their operations and guarantee a gratifying experience for their patrons.

Setting Appropriate Tee Time Intervals

Tee time intervals play a pivotal role in maintaining a consistent flow of play and reducing congestion on the golf course. These intervals refer to the duration between each group of golfers starting their round on the course, and they should be carefully considered to strike a balance between accommodating the maximum number of players and preventing overcrowding.

Determining the optimal tee time interval depends on various factors such as:

  • Course difficulty
  • Pace of play
  • Golfer experience
  • Course capacity

A general guideline is to set intervals between 10 to 15 minutes, as this allows for sufficient time for each group to complete their round without feeling rushed or causing delays for other players.

Ultimately, carefully managing tee time intervals can contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable golfing experience for all players.

Offering Alternative Formats

Providing alternative formats, such as nine-hole rounds or shorter courses, can accommodate time-sensitive golfers and enhance the overall pace of play. These alternative formats offer an exciting deviation from traditional stroke play and cater to a diverse range of golfer preferences. Examples of successful alternative formats include Six-hole shootout, Two Best Balls format, Alternate Shot format, and Net stableford format, among others.

By offering a variety of formats, golf courses can attract a wider audience and improve the overall golfing experience, ultimately leading to better pace of play management.

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Pace of Play

The adoption of technological advancements can notably better the management of pace of play in golf courses. By leveraging course management software, GPS-enabled golf carts, and mobile apps for golfers, golf course managers can streamline operations, enhance player experience, and optimize pace of play.

Let’s examine the ways in which these technologies can enhance golf course management.

FAIRWAYiQ Technology for Golf Courses

FAIRWAYiQ is a leading technology provider for golf courses, offering innovative solutions that significantly enhance the management of pace of play. Their advanced system utilizes GPS tracking and data analytics to monitor golf course operations in real-time. This includes tracking the location and speed of golf carts, and monitoring the maintenance of the course.

With FAIRWAYiQ, golf course managers can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies for optimal pace of play. This technology not only ensures a smoother and more enjoyable golfing experience for players but also contributes to the operational efficiency and revenue generation of the golf course.

Golf Course Management Software

Course management software is a powerful tool that assists golf course managers in efficiently carrying out their responsibilities. Modern cloud-based course management software provides users with marketing, data analysis, and automation capabilities, as well as integrations with top-tier software providers. By utilizing course management software, managers can monitor pace of play, track player locations, and evaluate data for informed decision-making.

In addition, software for managing golf courses can help with:

  • Tee time reservations
  • Player registration and check-in
  • Score tracking and leaderboard management
  • Course maintenance scheduling
  • Staff scheduling and communication
  • Inventory management

Overall, golf course management software can significantly enhance the pace of play and improve the golfer experience at a golf club.

GPS-enabled Golf Carts

GPS-enabled golf carts can greatly contribute to the management of pace of play in golf courses. These carts utilize GPS technology to track their location within a golf course, allowing management to monitor the pace of play. Golfers can also benefit from the GPS system by receiving information such as distance to the hole and course layout, optimizing on-course operations and enhancing the overall golfing experience.

Monitoring carts with FAIRWAYiQ also allows the capability to Protect the Turf. Notifications can be sent to both players and staff to advise of any violations. Restricted areas can be turned on and off at any time to protect turf.

By providing accurate location monitoring, GPS-enabled golf carts facilitate the enforcement of pace of play regulations, ensuring a smooth and efficient game for all golfers.

Mobile Apps for Golfers

Mobile apps for golfers offer a range of features to enhance the pace of play and overall golfing experience. These apps can provide online tee time booking, pace of play tracking, and course navigation, among other useful features.

By leveraging mobile app technology, course managers can streamline the booking process, reduce waiting times, and ultimately, improve the overall golfing experience for their patrons.

Educating Golfers on Pace of Play

Imparting knowledge to golfers about the importance of pace of play is indispensable for ensuring a consistent and pleasurable golfing experience. By providing clear guidelines, offering etiquette workshops, and encouraging peer accountability, golf course managers can ensure that golfers understand their responsibilities and adhere to the established expectations for pace of play.

Providing Clear Guidelines

Establishing explicit guidelines on pace of play expectations assists golfers in comprehending their obligations and sustaining an even tempo. The industry standards for pace of play in golf can vary, but a typical round of golf should take approximately four hours for a group of four players, 3.5 hours for a group of three players, and three hours for a group of two players. These standards are implemented to ensure a seamless and efficient flow of play on the golf course.

In addition to these general guidelines, golf courses should consider factors such as:

  • Course capacity
  • Pace of play
  • Course difficulty
  • Golfer experience

When setting pace of play expectations. By providing clear guidelines and communicating these expectations to golfers, golf course managers can help players maintain a steady pace and avoid unnecessary delays in play.

Offering Etiquette Workshops

Offering etiquette workshops can be an effective way to educate golfers on best practices for maintaining pace of play and improving the overall course experience. These workshops can be conducted in person or online and can be tailored to the individual needs of the golfers.

Topics covered in a golf etiquette workshop may include proper course behavior, how to share a golf cart, and how to play quickly and efficiently. By providing these workshops, golf professionals and course managers can equip golfers with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain an optimal pace of play and contribute to a positive golfing experience for all.

Encouraging Peer Accountability

Fostering a culture of peer accountability among golfers can have a positive impact on the pace of play. When players are conscious of their peers monitoring and expecting them to maintain a suitable pace, they are more likely to play in an efficient manner and refrain from unnecessary delays.

To encourage peer accountability in golf, it is important to:

  • Set clear expectations and rules for pace of play
  • Communicate these expectations to all players
  • Encourage players to remind each other of the importance of maintaining a good pace
  • Recognize and reward players who consistently adhere to the pace of play guidelines

By promoting peer accountability, golfers can help create a more enjoyable and efficient playing experience for everyone on the course.

This could involve:

  • Establishing a maximum time limit for completing each hole
  • Implementing penalties for players who exceed this limit
  • Encouraging open communication among players
  • Promoting accountability among peers

These measures can help foster a sense of responsibility and maintain a consistent pace of play on the golf course.

Assessing and Improving Course Design

For the maintenance of an optimal pace of play, it’s important to evaluate and enhance golf course design. Identifying bottlenecks, optimizing course layout, and enhancing course maintenance are all essential steps in ensuring a smooth and efficient golfing experience.

Let’s delve into these aspects with more depth.

Identifying Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks in golf course design can significantly impede the pace of play. Architectural design, particularly the layout and positioning of holes and tee boxes, can contribute to delays and congestion on the course. Recognizing and addressing these bottlenecks is essential for enhancing the general speed of play on the golf course.

To identify bottlenecks in golf course design, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • Variability
  • Capacity
  • Playability
  • Course description

Analyzing the course layout and player experience can help identify potential bottlenecks and improve the overall pace of play. By addressing these bottlenecks through careful planning and effective communication, golf course managers can ensure a smooth and enjoyable golfing experience for all players.

Optimizing Course Layout

Optimizing course layout can greatly improve the pace of play by reducing congestion and facilitating smoother transitions between holes. Factors to consider when optimizing course layout include:

  • The sequence in which the holes are played
  • The flow between holes
  • Hole variety
  • Varying angles and distances
  • Creating different shot options

By taking these factors into account, you can create a course layout that provides a more enjoyable and efficient golfing experience.

Furthermore, designing transitions between two great holes and modifying green or tee locations can also contribute to smoother transitions. By optimizing course layout, course managers can ensure a more enjoyable and efficient golfing experience for their patrons.

Enhancing Course Maintenance

Proper course maintenance plays a crucial role in maintaining an optimal pace of play. By carrying out regular turf maintenance, such as mowing, fertilization, and irrigation, golf courses can promote playability and minimize disruptions on the course. Furthermore, repairing and replacing club assets, eliminating ball marks, and improving playing conditions are all essential aspects of course maintenance that can contribute to a better pace of play.

By prioritizing course maintenance and utilizing digital tools, golf course managers can optimize their management strategies and ensure a high-quality golfing experience for their patrons. One way to achieve this is by implementing effective management tips tailored to the specific needs of a golf course.

Measuring Success and Continual Improvement

Assessing success and persistently enhancing pace of play management strategies is vital for sustaining a positive golfing experience. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), soliciting golfer feedback, and implementing changes based on data analysis, golf courses can ensure continuous improvement in pace of play management and overall golfer satisfaction.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Tracking KPIs is an essential aspect of managing the pace of play in golf, as it provides course managers with an accurate means of monitoring and managing playing time. Key performance indicators such as rounds played, average greens, and revenue potential can help managers pinpoint areas for improvement and develop strategies to maximize the pace of play on the course.

When assessing pace of play in golf, several KPIs should be taken into account, such as:

  • Golf Course Occupancy Rate (GCOR)
  • Membership Retention Rate
  • Course Revenue
  • Repeat Business Percentage

These metrics help evaluate the utilization of the golf course, measure revenue generation, assess customer satisfaction, and more. By tracking these KPIs, golf professionals and course managers can gauge the effectiveness of their pace of play management strategies and make necessary adjustments to ensure a consistent and enjoyable golfing experience.

Soliciting Golfer Feedback

Soliciting golfer feedback can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement and help inform future adjustments to pace of play management strategies. Effective methods for soliciting golfer feedback include utilizing multiple channels, such as online surveys, comment cards, and in-person conversations. Additionally, actively listening to golfers and demonstrating that their feedback is being heard and taken into consideration is important for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

By implementing a client feedback program to systematically collect and respond to golfer feedback, golf course managers can gain valuable insights and enhance the overall experience for their patrons. Analyzing the feedback data and making necessary changes or improvements based on the identified issues can lead to a more positive golfing experience and increased customer satisfaction.

Implementing Changes and Monitoring Results

Implementing changes based on data analysis and monitoring the results is essential for ensuring continuous improvement in pace of play management. Golf course managers should follow best practices for implementing changes, such as:

  • Careful planning
  • Effective communication to stakeholders
  • Adapting to challenges that may arise
  • Monitoring the results of the changes to ensure desired outcomes are being achieved

By continuously iterating and improving based on the feedback received, course managers can optimize the pace of play and boost the overall golfing experience for their patrons.


In conclusion, mastering the pace of play is an essential aspect of golf course management that can greatly enhance the golfer experience, streamline operations, and boost revenue generation. By understanding the importance of pace of play, implementing strategies to improve it, leveraging technology, educating golfers, assessing and improving course design, and measuring success and continually improving, course managers can ensure a consistent and enjoyable golfing experience for all players. Embrace these best practices and watch your golf course thrive as the pace of play becomes a key driver of customer satisfaction and business success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is rule for pace of play in golf?

Golfers must adhere to a maximum of 40 seconds to play a stroke, which includes teeing off from the ground, fairway, green or nearby areas.

What is rule 6-7 in golf?

Rule 6-7 in golf is about Undue Delay and Slow Play, stating that players must play without undue delay and adhere to any pace of play guidelines set by the Committee.

What is the penalty for slow play on the PGA Tour?

Players on the PGA Tour will incur hefty fines for slow play beginning in 2024, with the first offense resulting in a $50,000 penalty and each successive violation coming with a $20,000 fine. Slow play is being addressed with the introduction of Average Stroke Time Infractions to replace the Observation List strategy used since 2021.

What does it mean to be a marshal at a golf course?

As a golf course marshal, your primary objective is to perform regular monitoring and maintenance of the pace of play. You must be a visible employee to assist players' needs and ensure compliance with rules and regulations of the golf course. You also help spot stray balls to maintain proper pace of play, and signal the gallery to be quiet as players address the ball.

What are the benefits of optimizing the pace of play in golf facilities?

Optimizing the pace of play in golf facilities can result in increased customer demand, higher revenue, balanced course flow, optimal round times, and improved customer satisfaction.

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